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Myths on Protein

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I am an advocate of a high protein diet and this might concern some readers. Voodoo and nutrition seem to be related, disciplines in that both of them are irrational explanationas for certain actions. The biggest voodoo statement I know of is that we can only absorb 30 grams of protein at a sitting or meal. If this were true consider natural man the hunter when he catches a zebra he can not afford to eat 1 50g every three hours, he gorges himself before something bigger and, meaner comes along.
Lions have a similar mamalian physiology yet only eat once a week. If lions only absorbed a small amount of prtotein they would mbe the size of mice.

Man was naturally a hunter not a farmer this came later out of necessity. Yet we never turneds back. We are designed to eat meat primarily. The eskimo diet is fish and seals. Native american indians buffalo….get the point!


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buff trey you go agenst all original thought that i had but u do rais a valid point and i can see what u mean, BUMP!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Steroids
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I am not an advocate of the theory of evolution persay, but I do believe in an evolutionary process where humanity adapts to the current environmental needs of the time(which is deeply rooted in scientific research). As with the Natural man, back then, I believe you are correct, but for today I see no scientific evidence supporting your claim. Science has proven if the nutrients are not utilized they are stored in adipose tissue(fat) this goes for protien as well. If it is not used within several hours after consumption it is broken down and stored as fat. So if you consume 75 grams of protien and use it all in a few hours then you are correct, but if you only use 50 of the 75 then 25 becomes fat. This is Law, not Voodoo, although I wish we could use Voodoo to get rid of the fat. hehehe

Now here is where we come to the kicker, everybody is diffrent. Each person utilizes nutrients at diffrent rates. This is why my brother can eat like a horse and not gain any wieght. But as for me I need to monitor my diet or I would blow up like a whale on roids. Some people will use the full 75 grams of protien and some won’t. So I think you are partially right by advocating big amounts of protien at a sitting, because it works for you.

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Buff Trey,

Very interesting post, I too am an advocate on keeping protein levels high while going for mass and also while cutting. Protein builds muscles plain and simple.

DrS, I would have to disagree somewhat as I have seen and worked with people on high protein diets and they lose weight and fat, while decreasing carbs and doing moderate exercising.

Keep the faith, Thick

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Excellent post! Nothing gets the brain juices flowing more than a post in which we all have different opinions on! Since this is a board in which we all have agreed to diagree on…here I go.

I do agree that protein is a much needed element in our diets. We all know that protein provides the essential building blocks for the development of muscles. If we want to be big, massive, strong, etc…we all need to consume the proper amount of protein period.

What I do disagree with is the statement that we as humans are designed to eat meat primarily. Actually we are designed to be fruitarians like our close cousines the apes. This theory has been formulated in the fact that our digestive system is long. Our digestive tract has been designed this way to allow the long digestive process required to digest mainly fruits and vegetables. The digestive tract of meat eating animals is usually a short one which digests and throws out the unused material quickly.

Our teeth are not the fangs of tigers, lions and bears which can tear up in a single bite a stomach full food. Our hands are not claws that can sustain inplace another animal while we chew at it. Instead we need knives and forks to help us eat these meats that, we as humans were never meant to eat.

As a matter of fact the real king of the jungle is the elephant! What do elephants eat? Definitely not meat. Don’t get me wrong…I’m all for the consumption of protein, either as tofu, fish, meat, etc. Its the only way to really grow but that we are made like lions and that we are primarily meat eaters…hmmm…there I have no choice but to disagree.

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I thought Tarzan was the king of the jungle? 😛

LOL Ok…actually I thought it was us…the members of WBF! Hmmm, some fuel for thought.

Dr. Steroids
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No I am the king of the jungle, just look at my vine………hehehehe

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Can I play in your Jungle DrS…Ha!Ha!

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I love it, I needed to have a laugh and where else can you get this type of humor but on WBF.

I think we need to have a jungle gym setup for all members to play with as we ain’t got no jungle.

Now for you oldies out there, What bodybuilder played the first Tarzan on tv?

Keep the faith, Thick

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I’m not sure I know how to spell his name correctly but his last name was Mueller, or something close to that! He was an olympic swimming medalist. He was the first Tarzan(I think) but not too sure if he’s who you are talking about Thick.

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I’m no nutritionalist, but here’s my viewpoint.

The reason that you loose weight on a high protein/low carb diet is simply due to the fact that protein doesn’t have very many calories. Therefore you body is forced to cannibalize stored fat/muscle to make up for the lack of calories.

I believe the breakdown is like this:

Protein 4 Calories/gram Carbs 7 Calories/gram Fats 9 Calories/gram

So if you’re eating mostly Protein, it may seem like you’re taking in a lot of food, but it’s not many Calories.

A Calorie is simply a unit of Energy.

Your body requires a certain amount of energy for life functions and then obviously more energy as you workout etc.

If you’re taking in mostly Protein, it’s safe to say that a high percentage of your food intake is being used up, since it’s not that much energy (Calories) to begin with.

If you’re trying to grow, not only do you need the additional nutrients found in Carbs & (good)Fats, you will need the Energy(Calories) from the Carbs/Fats to use for life functions etc. Hopefully the protein you take in then will not have been used up for energy and will still be available for muscle production.

Bottom Line, if the protein is being used for energy, it won’t be there anymore when your body goes to build muscle.

If you were to eat only protein and still build muscle you would have to take in like 875 Grams (3500 calories) for energy and then another probably 400 Grams for muscle growth. I don’t think any of us here could drink that many shakes or eat that much Tuna 😉


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Here is the “typical” thought on protein from the Non BB World. Though I do not entirely agree (I think we do need more) – I think protein is overhyped. It is the extra calories that are helping from the protein and not the protein itself.

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First to the Iron Bros, adding to this post…job well done very informative and will be helpful to the entire membership. Keep up the good work and together we can provide the best info on the net.

Hey Samson: Okay the guy’s name was Johnny Weistmueller. Yes he was an olympic swimmer who was a bodybuilder.

Maybe they should do a remake with Ronnie Coleman as Tarzan…hehe

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I love discussions like this and hope to see more of this on this board…which is top notch. But I digress for a minute. This post on protein was meant for people such as ourselves, who train hard and work their ass off. If you are eating and training properly and your metabloism is cranked. There is no way you shouldn’t be burning every ounce of protein put in your body within a 1.5 – 2hour window. even if you are pretty sedentary throughout the day, until you get to the gym. I know when my metabolism is juiced, I’m hungry every hour and I consume 3-4g per lb. Sometimes, I consume 130-140g of protein in a meal. My post workout shake has 160g of protein in it. All I know, is if you are a normal person who doesn’t work out at all or works out 2-3 days a week….and very low intensity workouts, then yes, you will not burn more than 20-30 grams of protein off at a pop and you shouldn’t consume that much, but if you wanna grow and have some seriously dense muscle structure, the only way is to consume that protein. I don’t know a serious BB that doesn’t take in over 500g a day. As far as if we were designed to eat meat, Samson you have some valid points bro, but being a believer in evolution, it seems that are ancestors(although gatherers of fruit and veggies) were very adept at hunting. I think we were made for both purposes. We have canines(for tearing meat)(more tame than they were in our ancestors) and we have molars(for grinding down fruits and veggies). We don’t have claws, but what do you need them for when we have skill and knowledge on how to design or make a killing aparatus. Why do we crave meat them? It’s built into our senses…..good smelling steak grilling up….yum! I don’t walk by an apple tree and start salivating. My point is simply this….If you wanna grow, you gotta eat. And if you wanna be a freak, you gotta take in that protein in huge amounts!!

Peace, Trey

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actually the figures are:

4 cal/g for Protein and Carb 9 cal/g for Fat
