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Favorite Test????

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ok bros whats everyones fav test i want to add some to my next cycle and i was wondering going on the price and the quality whats the best one thanks guys.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 36

I have used ara-test and sus. The ara was far better, and about half the price. I am using enanthate this time around, let you know how it goes.

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thanks man and keep us posted on ur results

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I presume you are asking about injectable test. In that case, I have used American-made enanthate and cypionate, mex enanthate (T200), test-prop (aussie lamb bladder, 100mg/ml), mex sustanon, and pure test in oil from converted synovex. I think my favorite is probably pure test, but I really thought the american cypionate, even at 100mg/ml, was “the best” by a slight margin. Felt good, gained, and didn’t have to inject often.

My least favorite was the mex sustanon. I bought it myself in mex and transfered it while there into vials, but I’ll be damned if the stuff did anything. If it was fake, it was the best fake in the world: foil package, correct box graphics, included 20g pin, etc.

I really like test prop and pure test (would probably like suspension) because with the short half-life, you can know with more certainty how much is in your system. The downside is frequent injections.

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Best Test pound for pound with the most bang for your buck is Enanthate. No painful injections and not really expensive. I love the stuff.

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No doubt in my mind that Propinate is the best, sure u have to jack constantly, but I get my best results -w- Test Prop. Makes me incredibly horny too. A lot of people say that it makes them sore after an injection, but I never get sore from it ever. Good shit.


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Definitely test enanthate……reasonably priced, great results and no flu like some get on sust.

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OK – So I know you’re suposed to get flu-like symptoms from Sust, but I hit 400mg Cyp on Friday and couldn’t even swallow yoghurt on Saturday – then on Sunday I’m right as bloody rain again – whassup?

Does Cyp do the same thing? Never had abything like this on Sust either!

Later The Druid with the “Magic Potion”

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Depending on the individual, I think any test can do it. The introduction of a large amount of hormones can throw off your immune system a bit.

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I would definitely go with Enanthate!! It is not as expensive and gives you a good bang for your buck. It is interchangeable with the more expensive Cypionate, do not have to use as many injections as with Propionate, and you can actually have a good blood level of test without having to shoot it everyday as with Sustanon! Enanthate all the way! And, another good one would by Testoviron (50mg Propionate and 200mg Enanthate) . . . I would take 1cc EOD for the first 2 weeks of my next cycle, then 1cc every 3 days for the 3rd-4th week, and then switch over to just Enanthate! I think that would be killer!!

Also, with all the tests on potency going on . . . anyone know of any tests on Tornel Test200 or Brovel Test200?!
