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Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 27, 2017
Last seen: Apr 8, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 47
RE: Internet Suppliers

Step one, go get a mail box at some place that has 24 hour access. Make sure that you get a box that is big enough to put a package into. Rent the box...

4 years ago
RE: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Injectables

Sure, making the preloads is one of the ways he suggests doing it. That is what I am doing with the masteron. YOu need to either make the preloads or ...

6 years ago
RE: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Injectables

His order form tells you how to use the stuff. Just follow the directions. Personally, I just go ahead and make preloads. It is a little tricky if you...

6 years ago
RE: Amount Of Test

The IP arimidex is an oral .25 mg product. The cost is the same as his 50mg winny or 40 mg anavar, or $200 for 250 tabs. I got some recently myself, b...

6 years ago
RE: Deca or D-bol?

We all tell you that because it is a common stack that has worked very well in the past for a lot of guys. It is relatively inexpensive, works well an...

6 years ago
RE: Deca or D-bol?

First of all, I would like to know more about you. How old you are, how long you have been training, body fat, etc. That will give us a better idea of...

6 years ago
RE: a Question About My Cycle

First of all, let me say that there is no reason to pyramid your doses. Just run the same level of gear throughout your cycle. If you are going to use...

6 years ago
RE: Not too much gear for the 1st time?

I agree with Adrenaline, stack all three. Use the d-bol at around 25 mg /day with the sust/deca stack and you will see significant growth. BTW, don’t ...

6 years ago
RE: My next cycle….Have questions

16 weeks is a long time to stay on test, so you might want to rethink the duration of your cycle. I would probably switch to primo depot in week 11 or...

6 years ago
RE: Lookin for the quality gains

Originally posted by yyzgeddylee I disagree with the idea that halo will give you quality mass. It will give you agression and strength like a Mutha F...

6 years ago
RE: Lookin for the quality gains

Adrenaline’s suggestion looks good to me. (No suprise there.) You could substitute some tren for the EQ if you have access to it. Also you might consi...

6 years ago
RE: Water whats the PROBLEM?

If you are working hard for the cut look to show off on the beach, you don’t want to be smooth because of water retention. Personally, I don’t sweat t...

6 years ago
RE: Hgh n Clenbuterol

You should be able to find GH kits for around $4 – $5 per iu. In bulk it will be a little less than that, but that means buying multiple, 4-6 kits. A ...

6 years ago
RE: Hgh n Clenbuterol

It is very safe. It is also a total waste of funds. The oral spray is worthless.

6 years ago
RE: Kalpa Dbol

Heck with the low dose stuff. I’ll stick with the 20 mg Dragon Pharma d-bol.

6 years ago
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