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Kalpa Dbol

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Im Thinking of gettin some Kalpa dbols soon but im a little confused.On the Kalpa website it says there 10mg tabs and thats also what my supplier says.But eariler when i went on the elite fitness website i was reading posts about how the dbols were tested to only have 5.6mgs.If these is really the case why the hell would i want these for 1.50 a tab?Im a little confused on what to do.Some good advise would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

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I stick to the Dragon Pharma, but that me. I know some have used the Kalpa dbols and gotten good results. However, I have heard that the test only show around 5mgs. So know telling what is in the pills that make up the other 5mgs.

Peace Freakboy

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i heard they where tested for about 7 mgs take them man they kick ass he he

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Does anybody know about where the 20mg Dragon Pharma dbols stand as far as the dose? I was thinking about picking some up.

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i would like to know the answer to the Dragon Pharma d-bol myself … i gonna get some myself

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stay with Kalpa, they are cheap i think if you ask around i know someone who has 1k for 350-400 bucks somin like tHAT!

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Heck with the low dose stuff. I’ll stick with the 20 mg Dragon Pharma d-bol.

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i would like to know the answer to the Dragon Pharma d-bol myself … i gonna get some myself

I have seen the Dragon Pharma dbol tested at 21.7 mg per tab.
