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Not too much gear f...
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Not too much gear for the 1st time?

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I have made my decisicion after about 3 months of
research. Decided to do 400 deca and 500 sus as an
8 week cycle. Am going to save the Dbol for myu nesxt cycle.
My question was that this is not too much gear
to be taking for a 1st time gear taker? Just incase you need my stats.

I am 5 11′ 192 lbs about 10% bf


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 16

thats a good first cycle, I would have said it was too much if you added the D-bol. What kind of training experience are you working with?

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Posts: 47

I agree with Adrenaline, stack all three. Use the d-bol at around 25 mg /day with the sust/deca stack and you will see significant growth.

BTW, don’t forget the clomid.

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Posts: 12

Add the d-bol bro. Will be a long wait without it.

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Posts: 16

I could have sworn you guys said to lay off the d-bol for my first cycle and my weight was 212 when I started. Oh well. I stand corrected.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 30

Thats not too much…there’s enough guys who are disappointed with their first sust/deca cycle….. and end up wishing they had added some dbols or upped the amount of test.

Adding the Dbols for the first 2-4 weeks. 25mg as suggested is a good dose to start out with.
