Category: Bodybuilding


Scientists Developed Pills That Will Replace Fitness

Scientists offer revolutionary news: now we can fight for beautiful figure with the help of special pills! Researchers developed...

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Anabolic Steroids

Roid Rage, Myth Or Real Danger ???

Today I found myself dangerously close to putting my hand through some stupid man’s forehead, and all because the...

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jose canseco
Anabolic Steroids

Jose Canseco, The Godfather Of Steroids In The MLB Or Something Like That

I’m sitting here wondering whether the Jose Canseco Interview should have been an hour earlier or an hour later...

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Anabolic Steroids

High School Steroid Use, The Dark Side Of Juicing

I had a moment  while watching football today, most of my most brilliant moments are while watching the Chicago...

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legal steroids
Anabolic Steroids

Why Steroids Should Be Legal…..

This is not an effort to change the minds of every member of Congress, because I don’t have enough...

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hcg - human chorionic gonadotropin
Anabolic Steroids

PCT – Post Cycle Therapy

PCT also known as Post Cycle Therapy , what i believe to be the second most important part to...

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Anabolic Steroids

The A-Z’s Of Steroids

Steroids , it’s a topic that is spoken in secret from the trailer park to the high rises in...

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Joe Weider’s Training Principles for Advanced Bodybuilders – The Continuous Tension Principle

The key bodybuilding principle goes, maintain continuous tension on muscle to maximize its growth. Muscle mass growth depends on...

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Joe Weider’s Training Principles for Beginners – Progressive Overload Principle

Progressive overload principle is a basic principle to succeed in each form of physical training including strength and stamina...

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Man's Health
Woman’s Health

Lower Back Pain – Questions and Answers

It is commonly considered that lower back injury and pain are caused by overtraining. Yet, pain in the lower...

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