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Sustanon and Deca

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What undesirable side effects did anyone experience using these two?

Dr. Steroids
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personally, none.

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same here, none.

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none what so ever.


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nothing good cycle.

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it just all depends on how u react to the juice, as long as the test is kept at higher levels then the deca u shoulda have deca d*ck, but u could get flu like symptoms from the sus, it just all depends

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A little water retention but I think that it was from the d-bol I did the first couple of weeks… Other wise none..


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sustanon 250 is good shit. I just started my 3rd week on it. I ‘ve already gained 11lbs. A little water retention, but no big deal. You could have a little roid rage though. If someone really pisses you off, you’ll go nuts. I have had a little problems with my girlfriend, but nothing serious. I have learned to control it now. You’ll be fine bro!!!

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The Sustanon/Deca stack/cycle is about the best cycle for a first time user.

As chance posted you may get a case of “Roid Flu” which is due to the test you are taking from the sustanon. The symptoms resemble flu but usually goes away in about 48 hours. Sustanon will give you a slightly painful injection site but diminishes with use.

Keep the faith, Thick

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Are you acne prone? If not you should have no problem but be advised that anytime you do use an oil based drug that you can get acne.

Keep the faith, Thick

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I agree that the sust and deca is a great stack for your 1st cycle. Actually that’s what I first used. I have experienced a few mild side effects from the sust. Mild bloat, sus flu, horniness(Heehee) and a mild case of gyno which I keep under control with an anti-estrogen. As far as the deca, I have never experienced anything noticeably negative…not even the dreaded “deca dick.”

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AWESOME STACK…..My first cycle and my best as of yet
