Dana White Gives Chuck Liddell a Big Kiss After His UFC 97 Loss To Shogun Rua

Hey, we all know Chuck Liddell is probably feeling a little in the dumps after his loss to Shogun Rua at UFC 97. Luckily, Chuck has his homie Dana White to help him stand back up. Here is a video clip that shows the bummed Liddell walking back to the locker room after his loss fight with a long face and his good friend Dana White doing what friends are supposed to do when your down, provide support. Dana White provides Chuck with a few words of encouragement and gives him a big kiss on the head. I don’t know what he said to Chuck but I think it was probably along the lines of “You’ll feel better once you get two or three chicks back to your hotel tonight. Don’t forget, you’re still Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell.”

Dr. Steroids

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