Mirko Cro Cop-Out

After UFC 99: The Comback, mmajunkie.com quickly reported that Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic never actually planned on staying on with the UFC despite having told UFC president Dana White that he wanted to make a run at the UFC Heavyweight Title.  Dana White signed Cro Cop to a rare 1 fight deal expecting to sign another 2 fight deal after the June 13 fight against Mostapha Al Turk (6-5).  Mmajunkie.com also reported that he is now scheduled to fight Siala “Mighty Mo“ Siliga (3-1) at Dream 10 on July 20 reported by Si.com.

Cro Cop had a less than spectacular UFC career.  His fight with lightly regarded Mostapha Al Turk was hardly Mirko’s comeback having won the fight due to strikes after he had inadvertently poked Al Turk in the eye, which the referee did not see.  Cro Cop did not even throw a single left kick, which some might consider his signature attack.  Cro Cop has fought the best in the world including Fedor, Josh Barnett, and Antonio Nogueira, yet his previous UFC record might indicate that he no longer poses a real Heavyweight threat having lost 2 out his 3 previous UFC fights prior to his lackluster Al Turk victory.  After fighting in Japan and winning his last 2 fights with 1 no contest, he convinced Dana White to let him fight in UFC 99 claiming that he wanted to erase the only black spot in his career.  In actuality, he just wanted to fight in front of his Croatian fans in Germany.

Mmajunkie.com reported that shortly after his UFC 99 fight, Cro Cop told Dana White that he had signed a 3 fight deal with Japan’s Dream organization.  Despite the UFC having a shallow Heavyweight division, this might actually be a good thing.  If Cro Cop is going to fight guys like Mostapha Al Turk and Siala Siliga, who really wants to watch him fight anyway?

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