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Here’s an interesting Androgenic mix I posted on another board:


This something the experienced gear user will know something about.

Androgens last a long time in the body, at least the long acting ones do and it is these long acting products that we are going to use during the androgen loading phase of our quick fix mega cylce. I propose soemfhing like sustanon 250, or testoviron depot or if you can get it testosterone heptalife. Avoid the raw androgen like cypionate and do not use the short acting ones at this stage, like propionate or suspension. We need long acting tests for the short androgen loading phase.

My favourite method is to make an androgen mega mix in a sterile 100 Ml bottle. I put in whatever quality androgen I can get my hands on and then take the injections direct from the bottle each time I need a shot. This way I cover all the bases and over periods of time I have evolved the mixes that work the best for me. My personal favourite is to take a 100 Ml bottle and add

20 Ml Sustanon
20 Ml Testoviron depot
10 Ml Deca durabolin
5 Ml Primobolan depot

I guess you are going to ask me why I have added the deca and primo to the androgen loading bottle. For me, I simply get a better load with a little of these products added. This is simply personal experience.

Deca is very androgenic and primobolan seems to bring everything up a little. It is a steroid that works in any environment. If you are not making a mix then stick with the androgen. As you are experimenting, then try adding a little deca and primo to the androgenic mix.

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very intresting I will take 4 bottles. ha ha how many shots a week and how many cc at a time do you take?

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Optimum high dose use is 10 ML per day Be absolutely sure that everything is sterile. Heat the mega mix bottle in a bowl of very hot water until the contents is hot. Then let is cool down before injecting it.

I add 5 ml of benzyl alcohol to the mix just to be certain, this is a good precaution to take. THIS DOSE MAY ALARM SOME OF YOU AND OTHERS WILL SIMPLY NOT NEED IT OR BE READY FOR IT.

You must cut the dose back appropriately the least concevable dose is 1 Ml a day split into two half ml shots. I would not go lower than 2 ml myself.

I would take 40 mg of Nolvadex before bed each night. Run this for 8 days, then make another batch for days 9-17.

DAYS 18- 25

The fast acting stage. I would take testosterone propionate and winstrol depot. Top dose of 400 mg per day scaled down where appropriate.

I would stop Noldadex on day 22


I have discovered that growth like everything else works best at high doses for short periods. Really short periods like 4 days. For this reason, you only need 64 IU.

Be sure never to take more than 2 IU at a time and keep the shots away from times of normal production such as before bed and after training. TAKE 8 IU ON DAY 9, 10, 11, 12 TAKE 8 IU ON DAYS 17,18,19,20 Take 25 MCG of T3 on these gh days.


This is a scary program and extremely intense. It will take considerable preparation and then a period of no distractions.

I would even take two Inosine pranobex a day. Your doctor will give them to you. This will prevent you from getting ill and messing things up.

This is cutting edge 4 week blitz cycle. The idea, is to run it for 4 weeks, go off for 4 weeks and run it again for 4 weeks, etc.

Again, this is a totaly experimental cycle, that has been used with great success. Like your training and eating you must constantly experiment and change things up, but please make sure you have educated yourself and when you feel you have, educate yourself some more. This cycle and others like it, are DEFINITELY not for casual or new users.

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 45

very interesting. I have been formulating a concoction myself, but this sounds pretty good.

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Very interesting post Buff Trey!

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Joined: 7 years ago
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Hey Buff Trey,

Good post my man, way to give us new ideas on getting over the hump which we sometimes get bogged down.

Innovative and from all technical aspects will do the job.

I think I picked-up one error as you stated 10 ml per day which I believe should have been 10 ml per week. Taking no less than 2 ml per day.

Anyone got any sterile 100 mg bottles lying around. hehe

Good post and a Bump for my man Buff Trey.

Keep the faith, Thick

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 45

whats so bad about 10ml a day. Just joking. I noticed that also

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I am printing it out and heading to the Lab. Ha!ha!

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you are correct 10ml/week. someone try the 10ml/day and let us know how you do….if you cack, we’ll know it worked..j/k!!

peace, trey
