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My Upcoming Cycle

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week deca sust Dbol/day
1 300
2 300
3 300 500
4 300 750 50
5 300 750 50
6 300 750 50
7 300 500 50
8 300 500 50
9 300 500 50
10 300 250

week 10- 50mg clomid ed
week 11- 100mg clomid ed
week 12- 50mg clomid ed
week 13- 50mg clomid eod.

any thoughts…

Dr. Steroids
Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 70

start the sust and dbol at the same time as the deca. and just run the sust at 500 through out……….

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 58

I agree with DrS

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 30

that cycle should rock your balls !

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 12

Dont wait till week three for the sus. It takes 3-4 to start working. Your cycle would be damn near over. Agree with 500 straight through instead of pyramid. 50mg dbol might be a tad steep.
