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Insulin for newbie

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I’ve started working out about 2 years ago but took the last year off because of a ton of personal problems. I started at 6’1″, 165#, 12% bodyfat. Within 2 months on nothing but over the counter drugs I hit 195#, 9% bodyfat. It took me almost a year to get 10 more lbs. I don’t want to go through that again.
On to my questions…
-what’s average weight gains for a cycle of insulin?
-how long should I let my cycle last?
-givin a choice should I go with 50/50 or 70/30? (that seems to be all they offer here that I can find)


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Have you ever used gear before. If you have no experience with that I definitely wouldnt start out with insulin

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Forget that slin exists for a while….a long while

Dr. Steroids
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yea bro Insulin is not for newbie’s

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Thanks for the info guys. what would you suggest then?

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Look into the ever popular deca/dbol stack. Dont ever try to rush things. Time will give you the best results. Remember your health at all times

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what would a good deca/dbol stack consist of and how much should it cost? (to make sure my “buddies” don’t try to rip me off)

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oh yeah I been reading some of the other posts and was wondering what Clomid was? Does it help you keep your gains after you get off your cycle? How do you use it and how much is it normally?

Thanks guys

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Bro, stick around for a while and read through posts. Also, use the links and do some research. It sounds like you may be rushing things a bit.

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You really think a year to a year and a half is too soon? Here I thought I was being a good boy by staying away from the juice for as long as I did 🙂

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hey man being a newbie myself the best thing that u can do is read everything and all the post do lots of reaserch and don’t rush it. i have been planning my first cycle for 2 months and i know i will be happy with my results. if u need some help e-mail me. i might be a newbie but i know alot

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Thanks bull_tiger I’ve been researching alot myself. I’ve prolly got a grand total of 6 months of research under my belt including the time I spent researching before I took my time off.

I’ve got some pics posted at maybe those will help the mods or other members to better understand me.

the pic was taken about 8 months ago and was about 8 months after a pretty severe car wreck I had (somebody pulled out in front of me) I was 6’1″,205 lbs, 9% bodyfat.

thanks guys

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Geeze louise, you gained 10lbs in a year and you aren’t satisfied with that? That’s pretty damn good, assuming that those are natural gains. Even with AAS, a real, sustained gain of 10 lbs in a year is pretty good.

Your next step would logically be to use AAS for a cycle or two, not to proceed directly to insulin.

But, I realize that you might do insulin anyway. There are basically two standard ways to use it: (1) only a post-workout dose or (2) a dose in the morning and a dose post workout. In either case, there seems to be agreement that at most four weeks of use is the limit of real safety. An off period of a few weeks is recommended.

If you insist on trying it, you should begin with the post-workout shot routine. Use either Humalog or Humalin-R. H-R is much easier to get, but it has a peak at about four hours, which means you need to be attentive to (1) possible hypo situations for some hours after your shot and (2) not taking it too late so that you won’t be asleep when you get hypo. Don’t shoot insulin too late at night, unless you have humalog.

You should begin fairly small, at maybe 4IU or 6IU. See how you tolerate it. Bump by 2IU the next time. When you get to a dose where you feel some hypo effects at, say, 2 hours after the shot, you have a dose that is effective. You may still be able to go higher, but you are now in the zone of effectiveness and you are playing with fire.

The standard strategey is to: (1) workout, (2) immediately after workout or 15 minutes or so before the end, shoot your dose, (3) wait about 15 minutes after the shot and then down 10g high-gylcemic carbs per IU of insulin in your dose, (4) eat a high-carb, high-protein meal about an hour later, (5) be prepared for hypo problems 2 and 4 hours later. Eat no fat until at least four hours post-shot, maybe even wait six hours.

Hypo effects are unmistakable: dizziness, sweating, weakness, blurry vision, possible feelings of happiness/euphoria (I had this one), food tastes REALLY REALLY good (MetRx never tasted as good to me as it did when I was hypo), etc.

Many BBers shoot 12 to 15 IU in the morning before breakfast and then 12 to 15 IU post-workout (late afternoon), but this is advanced use.

Notes: (1) insulin is most effective with either/both AAS and GH, (2) for some people, insulin does nothing good, it only makes them fatter. Thus, without adjunct drugs, you might just get fat. User beware.

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Bigtobe… Yup those were natural gains, only OTC creatine, andro, and about every other legal drug I could get my hands on. Thanks for all the info. Now that I know and understand more I think I’m gonna wait abiout another 6 months to see if I really have peaked out then hit a cycle of something moderate then go from there. You were talking about the insulin peaking out after about four hours… from the way you said it it sounded bad that it did that. I figured the faster it peaked and left your system the better it was for no hypo. I work out early in the mornings then normally come home and take a nap to recover… guess I’d have to stop that 🙂 And as far as fat gains I’d say by an educated guess I wouldn’t have a problem with it. So far I’ve been on an average 12,000 (yes 3 zeroes) calorie a day diet. I’m not saying it’s all good food either, good bit of junk food but I’m still dropping body fat while doing it. I go as far as to mix up brownie mix, add chocolate syrup, protein powder, and peanut butter, and eggs together and sit down and read a book at bedtime.


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how the hell do you look like that and only workout for a year and naturaly it’s hard to believe
