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High bf%===gyno ???...
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High bf%===gyno ?????

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iam a football player with more bf% that u bodybuilders i will be running my first cycle
of 1-7weeks of 2-4cc of deca, 1-5week 5 d-bol a day and 5-9weeks of 50mg of clomid a day.

and since i have a higher bf% are my recepticals more seceptive to getting gyno??
thanks guys!

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 45

I really dont think so. I have friends that are football players with high bf and dont have any problems. You can always keep a little nolvadex on hand

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5

No bro that isn’t the case. Although the gains won’t be quite as good, since the body fat with hold the test. I’m guessing you want to keep your size for football, so I’d suggest maybe, deca and d-ball or sust and deca.

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thanks for the help iam glad it won’t effect gyno. thats the last thing i want to get.

Mr.Pecs what did u mean about my gains i was researced and asked around and a high bf% wont effect my gains, why would it effect my gains also iam taking deca/d-bol/clomid how much do u think i will gain and how much do u think i will keep. thanks this will be my first cycle.
