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Dragon Pharma Goodi...
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Dragon Pharma Goodies

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Hey Bro’s
What’s up with Dragon Pharma’s products,
I got my product list from a new supplier (you probably know who)
and It’s got 50mg D-Bol and Winny tabs.
Is this a Typo?
If not how good are they?
Cheers Bro’s.

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Posts: 58

no it is not a type O they are 50mg d boll. and they are awsome from what I hear.

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I’ve heard mixed reviews about his 50mg D-Bol, but his 50mg winny tabs and 10 mg anavar are Awesome!!!

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Almost all his products are top level in mine and others opinions. I dont know if I like shooting his liquids to much but his pills are fine.

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Hey no offense or anything, but you really should pm a mod about this kind of thing instead of posting the bros name all over the board.

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The Dragon Pharma 50 mg D-bols are bad ass. They are amazing, the best d-bol I have taken.

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Dragon Pharma’s products have great reviews on many boards. I have used his winny and anavar in the past and am on his D-bol and arimidex currently. I will be trying his masteron later in my cycle.

As for a PM to a mod, Dragon Pharma is a mfg., like British Dragon or any other under ground lab. We discuss Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Gen-Shi, and other mfg. of goods, so that can be handled here. If you were talking about a source for his products, then that would be a different matter entirely.

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Posts: 37

it’s fine fellas. Everyone knows about Dragon Pharma.

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Posts: 8

Ah OK, I understand now…nevermind then!

I will be ordering Dragon Pharma winny and dbol as well as his sust sometime soon, I’m not exactly sure when…but when I do I will let you know how it works.

