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Tuna — How Do You E...
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Tuna — How Do You Eat It?

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To be honest, I rarely eat tuna — But when I do, I eat it plain with a couple tablespoons of lemon juice. I’ve also tried it mixed with Taco Bell hot sauce, wasn’t too bad.

Anyways, how do you eat your tuna?

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I got this off of, I’ll let you all know how it goes. This looked too good to go untold.


* 1 (6 ounce) can tuna, drained * 1/3 cup chopped celery * 2 tablespoons fat-free mayonnaise * 1 pinch salt * 4 English muffins, split and toasted * 8 slices ripe tomato * 8 slices Cheddar cheese


1. Preheat oven to broil. 2. In a bowl, mix together tuna, celery, mayonnaise and salt. Spread tuna mixture onto the toasted muffin halves and place them on a baking sheet. Top each half with a slice of tomato and a slice of cheese. 3. Broil until cheese is melted, about 3 to 5 minutes.

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There’s only two ways I eat it. One is straight out of the can. The other is by mixing it with rice, broccoli heads, and spaghetti sauce with extra chunky mushrooms.

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I cant stand Tuna anymore, been chucking it down for years. I tried that bitch with everything……mustard, hot sauce, vinegar, lemon juice.

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I cant stand Tuna anymore, been chucking it down for years. I tried that bitch with everything……mustard, hot sauce, vinegar, lemon juice.

Lol I feel ya Cardi. I’m in the same boat. Can’t eat tuna anymore, even if my life would depend on it. The only exception is when I’m in a good restaurant and they make a good tuna sandwich. IMO, there is no good way to eat tuna. This crap is nasty. D

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I cant stand Tuna anymore, been chucking it down for years. I tried that bitch with everything……mustard, hot sauce, vinegar, lemon juice.

i’m sure you can enjoy raw tuna on your sushi rice. i know, i can at least stand that. now, as for the canned tuna, i know what you mean. aagglll… 😎

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Tuna patties,with a lot of onions and garlic.

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how do you eat your tuna?

I can eat only two ways:

out of the can (MUST be room temperature, too; can’t eat it refrigerated)

mixed with pineapple. I read a FAQ in the book _Anabolic Primer_ and the editor suggested mixing pineapple to rid the game smell and taste…it works!

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i’m sure you can enjoy raw tuna on your sushi rice. i know, i can at least stand that. now, as for the canned tuna, i know what you mean. aagglll… 😎

Thanks for the correction Bio, raw tuna I can eat a ton….add a little pickled ginger, a little soy sauce and ALOT of wasabi…….FIRE!!!!!LOL Konichiwa bitches!!lol

Im done eating canned tuna, id rather have a protein shake than chucking that stuff.

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I have eat a can of tuna a day straight out the can. Does not bother me, I just think of it as something I have to do. No big deal, only takes me a few minutes to wolf it down.

In college I used to mix 1 can of tuna, a dash of relish, and a spoonful of mayo and throw bread in the toaster, easy to make tuna sandwich.


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LOL, thanks for the memories powerstroken. I used to make the same sandwich.

And Cardi you are right, raw tuna rules. but I totally love Seared Ahi Tuna The stuff is incredible. I could eat it every night.

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Sometimes ill buy tuna helper and mix some tuna with that… its not bad. Otherwise ill just mix it with salt/pepper, celery, onions and miracle whip.. then ill put it on toasted bread with cheese.

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All this talk about tuna. Now I miss my ex.

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1 can, tbsp fat free mayo, pepper,2 hamburger dill slices, chopped up

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one 6oz can, tbsp fat free mayo, little salt, thats it Mmmm mmm bitch!!
