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Protein Pudding Exp...
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Protein Pudding Experiment!

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Well it was not bad. Tasted like pudding…tasted really sweet even though there wasnt a whole lotta sugar in it…like 18 grams i think

Well I mixed 1 box of instant pudding chocolate
free poured the milk, it was atleast 2-3 cups
and 3 scoops of protein powder which gave me 66g

I put it in a sealable plastic container and shook the hell outta it for about 2 minutes. Put it in the fridge for about 20 minutes and whalla! Protein pudding…my first try it was a little to liquidy…it wasnt bad…just not as think as pudding, I think either less milk or one more scoop of protein woulda done the trick.

Anyone ever tried this. It tasted pretty good.


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what kind of protein powder did you use?

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ISS Whey Matrix

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I used the Myoplex recipe w/ Myoplex Deluxe and it came out delicious… btw I used sugar-free pudding as well, but also made some sugar-filled pudding for post-workout

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Just tried it with Optimum’s 100% Whey (chocolate)….wow, mixed really easily, all I used was a regular wisk, tasted awesome, definately make it again!!
