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Thank you for visiting SteroidsLive forums. We are a hardcore bodybuilding site dedicated to bringing you the very best information concerning the world of bodybuilding. Whether you are a competitor or you are just looking to improve yourself, this site is for you. No subject is taboo. We discuss all aspects of bodybuilding, from the natural way to the steroid way. You will find what you need here.

Last seen: Jul 4, 2019
I cant stand Tuna anymore, been chucking it down for years. I tried that bitch with everything……mustard, hot sauce, vinegar, lemon juice.Lol I feel ya...
Thank you,bros. I’ll be careful. 😎
Take it orally… 😀 j/k
LOL!!! Ooops, this is my new tits!!!!Ha-ha-ha, Bubba, you’re cracking me up 😀 CDog, join Steroid Enciclopedia, that’s your best shot. There you’ll fin...
Thanx for your input. I never stacked Winny with Fina before. Do you think I should throw in fina at the end, like starting week 5 or at the beginning...
Oh,yeah, my stats..sorry,man,it’s been a busy Monday. I’m 26, 6’2, 210, bf about 11%, have been working out for the last 11 years, lifting seriously f...
So, they are similar now. Guess, I’m getting old, gotta catch up on stuff. LOL! Alrighty then 😀
As far as I know, here is the difference: Sustanon 350: Test decanoate 140, test phenylpropionate 84, test isocaproate 84 and test propionate 42 mg. S...
Dakota, an exlellent post,man! I had to deal with drug testing a while ago (researsh, testing and some other shit). This is true, your employer ain’t ...
What kind of juice are you talking about? You mentioned powder (test) and baking (fina) Making fina is not a difficult task, making test requires cert...