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Tips For Newbies (A...
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Tips For Newbies (Also Experienced Users)

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Dr. Steroids
Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 70
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-If you are thinking of using steroids, gather information first, read textbooks, bodybuilding mags and talk to experienced bodybuilders.
-Don’t go into it with blinders on.
-Before you start get your house in order, by this I mean good nutrition, hard intense training. Keep your protein intake high; all this combined with steroids will maximise your gains.
-Start with small dosages, remember your body has never had this much testosterone before and it will respond on small dosages.
-Always draw back on the syringe, when it is inserted into the muscle, this is to check that you are not in a vein or a blood vessel.
-You can put the glass vial in a cup of hot water to make the oil flow better through the needle.
-Alternate your injection sites.
-***Steroids are not a wonder drug, they do work but you have to eat right and train hard consistently, I’ve seen loads of guys take steroids and some with high dosages and to look at them you wouldn’t even think they had trained. Some people are just lazy and want big muscles without the hard work, forget it, there is no easy way ***

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Posts: 4

Just what I was looking for – Good post – Thanks

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Good post DrS77.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 25

Bump this for a great post by DrS.

Damn he beat me again. All kidding aside this is important information and we must remember the basics.

To those who give advice, please remember that you are at a different level then other people and should not be giving dosages at your level. I have been guilty of this, always check yourself and remember what it was at the beginning and it should always be LESS IS BEST. Safety and health are our main concerns.

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Posts: 5

Good post! BUMP! Remeber, you newbies, play it safe for the future…

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Posts: 9

Good post bro!

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