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First Cycle (I Know...
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First Cycle (I Know, Common Question But…)

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Hey guys,
Just started using 100mgs of Test 100, twice a week, every 3rd day. Is this enough to help with sufficient gains? Not looking to get HUGE, but want to pack on some and then strip away fat…
Currently, I’m hittin’ the gym every other day and bustin’ ass. Adding cardio this week, 4-5 days a week. Combined with a high quality protein diet, will this help me gain lean mass and help shed fat? Any info will help…


Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 36

I would add some eq or another low androgenic compound, but otherwise Take Adrenaline’s advice and up the dose. I would actually do 150mg-200mg eod.

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Right on bro…adjusted.

Can I expect good gains? How soon ect…

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 25

As a first cycle you will be disappointed in just using T-100. At a rate of 200-400 mgs per week.

You need to add an Anabolic steroid into the Test for better high quality gains. Gear such as Deca, Equipoise or Primobolan Depot should be used in the cycle. By doing so you will be pleased with the outcome as you will have more keepable gains then just by doing a Test only cycle.

The easiest and in my opinion the best first cycle is using Sustanon and Deca.

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right on…about how much $ are we talkin for one cycle of Sustanon and Deca? Just curious…need to work on the cash flow.. 🙂

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Do you have good source for ordering? a web address would help… thanks in advance guys


now…time to sleep
