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i have eight preloads of sustenon, and a 10 ml bottle of ultragam (equipose 100mg) how should i dose it to get the best results

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Posts: 40

You really should have at least 20 pre-loads and about 50ml of Equipoise and maybe some orals like Anadrol or D-Ball and like Adrenaline said some Propionate wouldn’t be bad either!

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 23

speaking of stacking, if i have 150ml of equipose, how long should i run the cycle? should i divide it into two? i’d rather use it in one long ass cycle at like 800mg/wk

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Posts: 23

oops, sorry, forgot to mention i have 100cc of deca… weird cycle choices i know, but i just got 150cc of eq and 100cc of deca for 300 bucks.


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You don’t really have enuf for a good cycle there. Get more sust and eq for sure. Dbol or another fast acting test like prop would be good also.

thanks for the advice. a friend of mine is getting me more eq., thi d-bol tablets and some primabolin i hope this will work.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 23

hey man i appreciate it a lot… i have done a shitload of research, and it should be mentioned that i am currently on a deca/sust cycle, 500 and 500 respectively.. 😉 will be making the equipose transition …now. And wanted to keep on the deca during the equipose as well because i got em both for hella cheap here. shit i didnt know they competed for receptors tho…that sucks. now if i want to correct that i have to shell out like 200 bucks to get something else… any recommendations? I’d rather get off the sost if possible.

