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Need Fat Burning He...
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Need Fat Burning Help

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Joined: 7 years ago
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could one of u mods help me out with a avnar clen and mabey eq stack i was going to take 6 clen a day but iam not sure about avnar and eq this will be my first fat burning stack so i don’t want to use to much or to little so if u could give me a good cycle of eq,clen,avnar, iam 5″10 260lbs iam not a bodybuilder iam a football player so i have a higher bf% around 20% (guessing) i need to lose about 20lbs thanks for the help guys!!

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Posts: 70

Anavar – clenbuterol – equipose

Anavar you can take at 30mg/day for 8 weeks in conjucnction with EQ at 400mg/wk for about 10 weeks. You should build a lot of lean body mass. Also used in conjunction with the clen…it will significantly reduce bodyft %.

I hope I was of some help…any more questions feel free to ask.

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Posts: 4

Hey manosteele,

Like your animation


Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 21
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hey man o steel is avnar,clen avalable in pill form and if so do they some 30mg tabs or what also iam alittle confused could u write a cycle in the form of a table please if u got time?
