Cro Cop to Dana White “I’ll Make it Up to You”

With disappointing performances in his first three UFC fights, Mirco “Cro Cop” Filipovic is looking to reenter the UFC with a bang, regain his respect and deliver fights the fans want to see. On is blog, Filipovic said to Dana White:

“I owe you a lot from our first deal, and I’ll make it up to you,” wrote Filipovic. He admits, “I didn’t do well in my first three appearances – I wasn’t myself,” he wrote. “By returning to the cage I want to prove that I can still fight at highest level, no matter when or where.

The where part just happens to be the big show, The UFC. The who part will probably be whoever the UFC puts in front of him.

Filipovic added, “I decided to fight in the UFC again, because of the stronger competition in the heavyweight division. My next opponent will be Mustapha Al-Turk. I would really like to fight at least three times this year. I wish to fight against quality opponents and to fight my way up to a title shot but for now, I’ll focus only on my next fight and after that we’ll see what’s going to be on the menu next.”

Filipovic is currently 24-6-2 and will no doubt be likely to improve this record as he reaches for a heavyweight title in the UFC. Filipovic declares:

“I never had such a strong desire to prove myself and I’ll climb up again, or die trying.“

Dr. Steroids

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