
hardcore bodybuilding

Welcome to SteroidsLive, a hardcore bodybuilding discussion forum.

Thank you for visiting SteroidsLive forums. We are a hardcore bodybuilding site dedicated to bringing you the very best information concerning the world of bodybuilding. Whether you are a competitor or you are just looking to improve yourself, this site is for you. No subject is taboo. We discuss all aspects of bodybuilding, from the natural way to the steroid way. You will find what you need here.

Active Member
Joined: Jun 15, 2017
Last seen: Dec 14, 2018
Topics: 0 / Replies: 8
RE: Question for everyone with the knowledge

You know whats a VERY good roid for helping you lean and harden up? Its called FINA and you can get this real cheap. The only draw back is that you ha...

6 years ago
RE: Best Time To Inject

I say before that way you have the extra “boost” of juice in your body to help built and give you that extra push while you work out. Also depending o...

6 years ago
RE: Looking For Experience

I use Ref-B all the time bro and it works best when taken orally. I had a friend who injected it and he said it was painful. When I first took it I us...

6 years ago
RE: Can i Mix D-bol????

Yeah you can mix’em but try to drink a good amount of water while your one them. This will help keep your kidneys cleaned because there is going to be...

6 years ago
RE: What The Best Steroids Out There?

Sustenon250 is the best injectable Anadrol is the best pill/tab -The Icon

6 years ago
RE: Omnadren

Old Omnas were stronger but more chances of GYNO occuring. Now its the EXACT same as sust so really it depends which you can get cheaper. Since they a...

6 years ago
RE: How to avoid being busted

This tip is a VERY important one. I got busted about 3 weeks ago and I was a VERY careful person. Anyways the tip Im going to say is ALWAYS use cash. ...

6 years ago
RE: Heat it up with DNP

Stuff works. Im going to start taking here in about 1-2 weeks. I’ll keep you guys posted on the results and when I start. Its not that hard to find, i...

6 years ago