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Last seen: Sep 10, 2018
If my failing memory serves me today I believe your total test should be in the range of 190 to around 800 ng/dl and your free test should be around 3...
Bactiriostat is different from sterile water and distilled water is different than both. Distilled water is not necessarily sterile. I wouldn’t use it...
It is mixed with sterile or bacteriostat (sp?) water.
750 Sust should be no problem. Just bumped my own cycle up to 600 enan 150 prop 600 deca. Gains are coming once again. I started proviron though, eith...
Primo? I thought Primo came out much later. When was Primo available?
Clen is slightly thermogenic. It is a non FDA approved drug for asthma. It raises your body temp. This elevated temp requires more calories to maintai...
You CAN get deca dick from eq if you stay on long enough without adding an androgen. Personally I would suggest saving up some $$$ and doing a good re...
They show up as diuretics. They are sometimes tested for to see if you are taking a masking/flushing agent. If you are not trying to hide something yo...
If this is an employment drug screen you should have no problems. I am an employer and drug screens are pricey. Testing for gear would be outragous. I...
ZX, Haven’t you been on gear for like forever and a day? I thought I remember you posting you were on for 8 months a while back. It probably is just c...