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Last seen: Dec 20, 2018
With or without food, doesn’t matter. Both ways you’ll have same results. Cheers
Anadrol DOES NOT CONVERT TO E! Nevertheless, in many of the body functions, more than one AR receptor needs to be occupied. For example, hair loss can...
J Endocrinol 2000 Feb;164(2):225-238 Effect of chronic administration of an aromatase inhibitor to adult male rats on pituitary and testicular functio...
While test suspension does have a large peak in 6 hours, the rest crystallizes in the depot and last 5 days or more. The pharm industry designed it th...
replete with study references on anabolic fitness showing shutdown and how long it lasts. One has esters in the title.
I posted that study numerous times on varix and other boards, so I’m guessing somebody has it. It was done by the university of IA as one of the subje...
In it’s scheme in all this as blocking it or not really seems to make no difference at all. Now, if you were going to taper you should taper on test! ...
Any and all AS will saturate your HPT! HPT is responsible for stimulating LH and FSH production to get your nuts back online. NO DRUG AT ALL CAN CLEAR...
Once a week (every 7 days) Cheers
definitely, LOL! Cheers
Used to be once upon a time, but as of fall 2000, sustaxyl and sustanon have exactly the same composition. Cheers
What’s the point of your question? I can write you novel about Anavar and Winstrol, but you can find some very good info on internet (for example at: ...
Bump BeefCake, how’s it going my friend? Anadrol is progestagenic (ani-estrogens won’t help you there). If you want ot avoid bitch tits, you should us...
Hm… I must disagree: Nolva will not lessen your gains. People think that Nolva lessens gains because it prvents water retention. Arimidex is better th...
Yeah one in the morning, and one in the evening. Cheers