MMA Fighters React to Post Fight Strikeforce Brawl

If you were watching Strikeforce: Nashville last night on CBS, you got to see 4 fights.  Three of them were title fights and one of them was a gang style beatdown of Jason “Mayhem” Miller by the Cesar Gracie camp after Miller intruded in Jake Shields’ post fight interview asking for a rematch.

Shields shoved Miller, and then Nate Diaz, Nick Diaz and Gilbert Melendez jumped him and started throwing punches and kicks as Strikeforce officials desperately tried to break it up…..on national television.  While some may have found it entertaining (I drunkenly cheered when it happened).  Now that I’m seeing things a little clearer, this is a pretty big black eye for MMA.

Many fighters, officials and journalists weren’t afraid to share their opinion on twitter right after it happened:

Journalist Ariel Helwani:

arielhelwani I hope that did not just signal the end of MMA on CBS

MMA Legend Pat Milletich

patmiletich thats why you only let 2 cornermen in the ring after a fight. completely retarded

Rolles Gracie

RollesGracie MAYHEM MILLER IS A BIG CLOWN!!!! I Enjoyed watching him getting his ass kicked. Thanks for DVR so I can watch it a few more times.

RollesGracie That was bad 4 the sport. Couldn’t Miller wait 2 min 2 ask 4 that rematch? U get in another man’s face like that it’s gonna be a fight!

UFC President Dana White

danawhite 🙂

Jason “The Instigator” Miller

mayhemmiller Whoops.

Ben Saunders

bensaundersUFC WOW… that was awesome and complete crap at the same time. If it wasn’t gonna cause a potential negative impact on our sport. I would say that had to be the funniest thing I have ever seen. Mayhem u took a beating to entertain millions. My hat is off to u my friend. Charley Chaplin comedy at it’s finest. Physical violence gives us some of the best laughter. Specially when it’s uncalled for. Hahahaha

Miguel Torres

MiguelTorresMMA Oh, the Diaz bros are gangster as shit. Pride rules live. Mayhem should be the victim on “Bully Beatdown” show.

MiguelTorresMMA I’m not condoning jumpin someone. Its just funny television. I been jumped before, not funny on receiving end. But still.

Jamie Varner

jamievarner Wow bye bye CBS for sure

Urijah Faber

urijahfaber Man that end of strikeforce sucked. Wish they coulda switched the camera. & the commentator said “sometimes this happens in MMA” not very often

Shane Carwin

ShaneCarwin from what I read those guys should be ashamed of themselves. This is not a barn yard brawl. These actions are not needed in this sport!

ShaneCarwin and someone asked for a rematch? This is not crips vs bloods it is a sport which requires SPORTSMANSHIP. Seems basic

Brawl participant Gilbert Melendez

GilbertMelendez I apologize to all the MMA fans. My intentions were not to fight but to let Shields enjoy his moment. I think @mayhemmiller is a cool guy.

Jon Koppenhaver

WarMachine170 Why do people think athletes have to be ROLE MODELS? WHy can’t they just be good athletes and get paid to do a job they love? Leave us ALONE

Brian Stann

BrianStann Strikeforce brawl was an insult to the entire sport of MMA, Nick Diaz should be stripped of his belt, Mayhem suspended…

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