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The Bombs

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i am on day 9 of a 35 day cycle using a bombbs,deca and sust…when does the a-bombs usually start kickin in since the cycle is so short i thought it would kick in rather quick…

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 15

For me, I’ve always noticed it within a couple days (the strength increase that is), but after the second week you KNOW you’re on the bombs, cause the pump starts to ACHE.

I usually start at 50mg/day for the first week, then on up to 100mg. Works great for me!!!


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Bump shoulder exact same for me.

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Posts: 19

Hey Raw, why such a short cycle? It usually takes at least 4-5 weeks for the deca and sust to REALLy kick in, by that time youll be off cycle.???

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just using the a-bombs for 5 weeks…deca and sustanon will run 10 weeks
