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Last seen: Aug 28, 2018
Normally, if I’m only running the A-50 to 100mg, I’ll run 1 weekk at 50mg, 4 weeks @100mg, then 50mg again for the last week. Though I’m not sure that...
Could be a number of things, but the first thing that comes to mind for me is that you’ve probably lost some fat. I notice that when I take A-50, my w...
Sounds about right.
Whew!! That took me a while to read (I’m just learning)- But good post, bro!
Sorry to rain on your parade, bro, but Deca can cause Gyno, too.:( I would also recommend running the Primo throughout the cycle, and add the anavar f...
Shoot every four days instead.
Maybe less harsh on the stomach, nut that’s probably about it. If you feel like AS is the route you want to take, I’d recommend starting at low doses,...
My guess would be that you got too close to a nerve. There are plenty in the leg to chose from. But yeah, monitor your temperature a few times and dou...
Sounds good except for one thing, why eat a clomid a day? Don’t you think there’s already going to be enough estrogen is the system? I’d say eat two p...
What do diuretices show up as?
For me, I’ve always noticed it within a couple days (the strength increase that is), but after the second week you KNOW you’re on the bombs, cause the...
Oringinaly I was going to just use the cyp, but I had the sust laying around, and ou know how that goes lol. I waited to start the sust until two week...
Oh yeah, doses… Deca 400mg/week Sust 500mg/week Cyp 500mg/week A-50 100mg/day If things continue the way they are, then I’ll add in proviron at 50mg/d...
I’d consider going ahead and shooting 5000iu HCG twice, five days apart, now if you can get it.