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Opnions On Next Cyc...
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Opnions On Next Cycle……

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So this is what I am thinking: Weeks 1-8: Deca – 500mg Weeks 1-6: Suspension – 100mg MWF Weeks 7-12: Winny – 50mg ED Weeks 7-12: EQ – need doseages (maybe like 400mg a week) I am going to do site injections with winny/eq and then drink the winny on non-eq days. Also, can I get winny and EQ through a 25g pin? Thanks for your opinions!! SMokey

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why use eq and deca together in week 7?

and i would do the suspension at 200mg eod or a little less like 150mg eod because it`s pretty hard on your system for the whole 8 weeks if that is the only test u have. And for the eq do 100mg eod that`s a little less then 400mg a week..

later FB

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fatbastard, Question

Are you saying that suspension is harder on your system that other tests?

I have never used it, but was thinking about it to start my cycle of 100mg ED. for the first 4 weeks.


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Yeh dont use the deca and eq together,they bind to the same receptor so its a waste

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As for the pins, you can inject an oil through a 25 ga., but you will need a larger pin to draw with.

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Deca Weeks 1-8 – 500mg

Suspension Weeks 1-6 – 100mg MWF

Winny Weeks 8-12 – 50mg ED

EQ Weeks 8, 9, 12, & 13 – 300mg Weeks 10 & 11 – 400mg

Will inject winny/eq mix 3 times a week (evenly divided), hitting both biceps and then another body part. Will drink winny on non-injection days.

I know you said not to do deca and eq together, but it is only for a week that they will overlap, this way I’m not left with like 2cc’s of deca. Figure it can’t be that big of a waste. And the EQ doseages come out like that so it is even time with the winny and exactly 2 bottles.

