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Help With Anavar Do...
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Help With Anavar Dosage

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I’m planning on doing a quick 4 week cutting cycle like this=
week 1- 75mcgs clen e/d
week 2-125mcgs clen e/d
week 3-eca stack e/d
week 4-eca stack e/d
Lots of cardio and a highpro-lowcarb-lowfat diet. What I was wondering is how should I incorperate Anavar into this stack?What doses,taper or no taper,time of day,with meals or not,and will 4 weeks be long enough to see good results?Any good info would help a lot,thanks guys.

Dr. Steroids
Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 70

I hope you mean mcgs when talking about Clen. Cause if you take it in the mgs you can wind up dead. But as with the anavar take it at 25 mg aday for the 4 weeks and spread the dose out over the day.

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Thanks DrS. Your right,I do mean mcgs.
