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First Stack Questio...
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First Stack Question

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I recently decided to do my first stack. I’m worried about androgenic effects so I was
considering doing a deca and primo stack. What do u think about a good beginner stack
with the largest gains?

Trusted Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 70

No need to do a stack for your first cycle Iron bro. You don’t want to overload your A/R receptor sites by doing to much juice initially. A simple 8-10 wk cycle of sustanon at 500mg/wk will give you same gains as a vet doing Winny/Fina/Eq stack. More is not always best….Go the sustanon cycle, then follow up with clomid.

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Thanx manosteel whast do u think about cycling deca-durabolin with nolvex? for my first cycle

Dr. Steroids
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Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 70

stay away from deca alone, you won’t like the effects. Especially the Limp Dick.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 45

No need to do a stack for your first cycle Iron bro. You don’t want to overload your A/R receptor sites by doing to much juice initially. A simple 8-10 wk cycle of sustanon at 500mg/wk will give you same gains as a vet doing Winny/Fina/Eq stack. More is not always best….Go the sustanon cycle, then follow up with clomid.

I totally agree with more is not better. Keep receptor sites clear and less juice will be needed

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 45

Exactly what DrS said. If you take deca by itself, dont expect to have sex for awhile.I never had a problem with that when I did first cycle with just deca. It was real, so I must have just been lucky I guess. On test my drive is through the roof. My girlfriend gets tired of the sex 4-5 times a day for some reason, I just cant figure her out.
