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Boost cycle with HC...
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Boost cycle with HCG

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Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hey just wondering if anyone ever uses HCG in the middle of their cycle. It leads to increase of natural test in addition to what you are already using. I have had great success doing this, you might want to give it a try

Trusted Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 70

That is an interesting experiment. I think I will try that next cycle! Great Post Iron Bro, but I couldn’t expect less from a good Iron Bro like you!

Dr. Steroids
Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
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Not a bad theory, but it wouldn’t last for to long I am guessing

Eminent Member
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I do it for about two weeks in the middle of a cycle. It seemd to really boost gains. If you tend to gain weight and strength up to a certain point, say up to week 5 just for reference, it will help to break through that barrier and keep the gains and strength coming. Give it a try and let me know how it goes
