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How Long?

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How long will it be before everything starts to kick in… is day 12, 2 shots in (500sus each shot) next shot is this friday…d-bol was 7 per day for the first week, now down to 6 per day….still not feeling much different…this is my first cycle…just to let ya know, Skull is not small trying to get big, just trying to get bigger…5’9″, 225lbs, age 45…..powerliftin for the past two years…now its time for a change..WBF!!!! have a excellent base 18″arms, chest48″,thighs are 30″, i’m ready and waitin to go……………….

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Bro The Sustanon will not kick in till the fourth week. You should be feeling the D-boll. At least your strength should be up a little. Be patient bro LBM

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Posts: 6

be patient bro,

after week 3, you should begin seeing results. be sure to keep protein intake at least 1.5g per lb of body weight.

also, make sure to drink a shake within 30 min. of post workout and drink one before bed.

you’ll see results from that gear.


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Posts: 19

Be patient, ’cause results are coming!!! You’ll feel the Dbol any time now, and the sust in another two weeks. Good luck and great gaining!!!

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hey bro’s thanks for the reply’s………
