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Last seen: Sep 19, 2018
Depend on Body fat. That exactly the cycle i’m on right now. working good. But if you’re bf is high you may need 8-10 weeks to get the full effect fro...
EQ needs to be taken twice a week at the least. Most take EQ every other day. But twice should work. Anavar, i always took mine all at once. LBM
Personaly i have found no difference in sustanon. I have had a few kinds, they all seem the same. Cause they pretty much are. Only real difference is ...
Bump GD! Man knows his shit!!!! LBM
At the end of your Test cycle. Run it for three weeks with the primo. The you can run primo 5 more weeks. Clomid just helps get your nuts working. Pri...
You’re going to run clomid after your cycle right? Run it with the primo. Yes you can exceed 4 weeks, primo does not shut down your natural testostero...
Most people say how painful sustanon is. It does not effect me at all. And i know my gear was good cause i grew well. No injectables make me sore. The...
Almost everyone flips out over the needle thing! LOL Not like it’s natural to shove shit into your skin! after the first injection were all ok with it...
I cycle it down cause it seems to help me from crashing when i quit. Cause i can’t use ECA stack. “medical reason” LBM
Ok first off, the 2 day on 2 off is bullshit. Don’t work. always go two weeks on 2 off. use ECA stack on the 2 weeks off. day 1. 20mcg day 2. 40 3. 60...
I’d taper off a pill a day. On your next cycle run d-bol for 6 weeks. then taper. LBM
Yep Adrenaline is 110% correct. Need test in the cycle. And your friend will change his mind when he see’s you blow up! God I loved my first cycle, pu...
Bump Geardaddy. I got a bottle right hear! Never heard of anyone else making it but TtoKkyo. LBM
You wont need clmid, even if you took 700mg of primo. primo does not shut your system down. So you will be ok. LBM