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Help With End Of Fi...
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Help With End Of Fina

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Im have my fina and i have my DMSO, i am all ready to go then i read about having to take CLomid or my nuts will look like raisins. Will I need Clomid after my cycle, or could I use Tribestan 3 while on it and 6 when coming off, will tribestan work? If i need Clomid How much and how long, and can i start it without it as long as i can find some by the end? Has anyone had problems with Gyno and Fina? Anyways, I am about 6’1 235 at about 15% BF. Thanks

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 40

You shouldn’t have any gyno problems while on Fina! and you want be needing any clomid while on or off fina!

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no wont or ill want clomid

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Posts: 19

You do need clomid post cycle. Fina will shut down your natural test production pretty quickly. My nuts are like raisins right now; I’ve been on it (injecting) for 5 weeks now.

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First of all, you don’t want to stack Fina by itself. It is usually stacked with Winny and will produce much better results. Secondly you need to use Cytadren during cycle and/or clomid post cycle. This will help you keep a lot of your gains. Any more questions, feel free to ask.
