Interval Training

rowing machineInterval training of any kind if effective on burning body fat and maintaining muscle tissue.  It can also be performed over a shorter period of time than normal static one level training. Muscle tissue can start to break down, especially when the body performs long bouts of cardiovascular training, so it is important to work out for a minimum of 20-30 minutes in order to work the heart, strengthen muscle tissue, and torch calories.

One of the benefits of interval training is it elevates the heart, and when the heart rate rises, calories are burnt. When cardio exercise is performed for too long, the muscle tissue actually starts to break down, which is detrimental to the basal metabolic rate (the rate at which your body turns calories at rest).

Interval training is different although tough for those not used to it. Short blasts of intensity in exercise to stress out the body can help to improve the endurance and stamina of the body, as well as maintain the important muscle tissue. The body will also burn a substantial of calories for many hours afterward.

Interval training can be performed with  running, rowing, elliptical trainer, walking, skipping, any form of cardio training. an example of interval training would be walking at 4 mph for one minute at a 5% incline, then rising to 6.5 mph at the same incline for one minute. Keep up this training for ten minutes then move onto another piece of exercise equipment. If you enjoy skipping, maintain a comfortable pace then perform 20 double unders (allow the rope to spin twice under the feet for each jump) to boost the heart rate. For every three minutes, perform 20 double unders to push the body’s fitness and test the stamina. For running, start at a pace of around 8 mph on no incline and then push the speed to around 11 mph for one minute or alternate the incline which you run. For rowing, set intervals and row to cover 500 m or for one minute as fast as you can and then row slower or stop for a minute and continue with the intervals. 20 minutes of interval training is beneficial to the body, maintains muscle mass, and helps the body to burn fat over a shorter period of time.

Start off with 10-15 minutes of interval training to allow your body to get used to the intensity as the body can easily become fatigued throughout. Remember to breathe throughout so as not to cause a stitch. Once the body feels comfortable with interval training, increase it by 5-10 minutes. Work out 2-3 times per week with a rest day in between. It is okay to train the muscle after interval training so maybe that could be performed the next day as long as a couple or rest days are included in the week. The resting period is important as it helps to strengthen the muscle tissue and improves the stamina.

With any exercise programme it is important to consume a healthy diet full of proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, and fibre to refuel the body to grow back stronger. Interval training can also be performed through bodyweight training, so burpees, jumping jacks, and squat thrusts can be performed fast/slow to boost the heart rate. During bodyweight training, microscopic tears appear in the muscle tissue, and through effective rest and nutrition, the body grows back stronger. Circuit training is another form of interval training and because the body does not have time to rest the heart rate remains high and burns calories.

Interval training can help you lose weight, improve the fitness and help a person to  reach their ideal weight as well as maintain their muscle mass.

Dr. Steroids

Introducing our esteemed author at SteroidsLive, Johnathan Reed, a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a passion for empowering others on their journey to optimal health and performance. With years of experience in the fitness industry and a background in sports science, Johnathan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Dedicated to providing accurate, evidence-based information, he strives to educate and inspire readers to achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively. Through his engaging and informative articles, Johnathan aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals seeking to transform their bodies and improve their overall well-being. Join him on the path to success at SteroidsLive, where fitness meets knowledge.