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Test Suspension

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Just took 500 mg of test suspension with Humulin….holy shit what a pump.

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 27

Dam bro that must be one hell of a pump!!

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 22

Sounds like fun bro!! May I suggest though, taking 100mg of Test Suspension everyday instead of taking more at spread out times, as it is in and out so quick. Peace

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I agree 100mg a day.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 30

i bet you have a wicked pump….. but 500mg in one shot is a lot…… suspensions is hard on your kidneys… spread it out….suspension only stays in your system for 2 or 3 days anyways…

unless you’re taking 1000mg or more a week….then i guess you’re gonna have to take the big shot….

I like suspension for injecting small muscle groups…. and you can use little 27g pins……

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Posts: 3

TOO much test at one time, bro. Most of that will aromatize into estrogen. The water is nice for pumps but do you want bitch tits?

Suspension causes some pretty bad sides.

How much slin, bro?

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Posts: 7

How much slin,

You should atleast inject every day, and injecting suspension twice a day is not a bad idea, to keep the test levels even through out the day.


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 14

What suspention are you talking about bro shooting through a 27G dart?
