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Question About Test...
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Question About Testosterone Enanthate…..

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How much sould I wait before the test. kicks in??

I have read in another board that it starts in the fourth week.

What’s your experience?


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5

Wellit depends on what you take it with man. If it’s by itself then I would say around the 3-4th week. If your taking it with another test or deca i find it kicks in a little faster. i’m pretty sure it has something to do with how the receptors get saturated.

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I got board and made a little spread sheet going by a 5 day half life. seems that if you take two shots a week, regardless of the dose, it would be at near peak dosage by day 14. I have enanthate on the way so I was curious. I am easily amussed.hehehe

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<div class=”posttext”>Mr.

Wellit depends on what you take it with man. If it’s by itself then I would say around the 3-4th week. If your taking it with another test or deca i find it kicks in a little faster. i’m pretty sure it has something to do with how the receptors get saturated. 500mg test enanthate + 200mg laurabolin</div>

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I have found that it usually starts working the second week I take it.

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to me it feels like as soon as i stick it. I get a rush and want to head straight to the gym.

