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Mixing Ref B…

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Should I just squirt the shit on my toungue and swallow, or mix it with something?….thanks

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Posts: 4

quad.. if you can’t stand the taste of ref, the i suggest you either mix it up with juice or get some gel capsule, squirt it in there then dring it. but the best way to take ref, personal experience, divide doses 3 times/day after each meal. great result..

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Thanks bro.

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Posts: 22

Hey bro, I cannot stand the taste of Ref B . . . it makes me freakin’ gag, and I can’t get the taste out of my mouth for hours! Therefore, I go to my local health food store and buy a bag of 100 gel-caps. I get the size ’00’, which hold a full mL each. I inject a couple capsules full a day, and that’s it!!

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Smartguy boyd here has been banned for source posting……..

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1

squirt it on the back of your tongue and wash down with whatever…back of tongue has much fewer tastebuds
