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D-bol Question

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I’m gonna be starting a cycle soon and will be taking 25mg of d-bol. I’ve never done d-bol before and was wondering about a few things.
1) Should d-bol be taken on a full stomach? 2) Should I be taking them from 12 am – 12 pm?
3) My friend seems to think d-bol can causes progesterone gyno T or F?

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 21

hey u should take the d-bol every 4 houres (a wake) so u should take about 4-5 a day and take them with food. u should stack that d-bol with something like deca or sust. and u shouldn’t have problem with gyno at those doses. and clomid is a good thing to have around.

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Stacking it with omna.

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Or you can take 15 mgs 2 hours before working out then 10 mgs right after.

Detroit Diesel
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Posts: 12

I would also roccomend getting some Clomid on hand,……better safe than sorry.
