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i have been on my cycle for 8 weeks now.I have been taking 200 ml of cyp a week and winny-v eod for 5 weeks 1 more week to go on the winny. I am out of cyp so i will use t-200 eth. 3ml. on week 9 , 3ml. week 10 ,2ml on week 11 2ml. on week 12 to finish a 12 week cycle. is that ok? then i will start clenbuteral 8 days after my last shot does that sound ok? this is my first cycle so i hope i am doing this right. thanks in advance

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 18

just stop at 8 weeks do the clen at 6 tabs a day for about 6 weeks abd then do your next cycle if that is your goal..

later big…

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yeah that is my goal, but i have 1 week of winny-v left so i thought i should keep going to finish it off. i have 90 clen tabs and have no idea how much to take and when except what i have learned on this board. all help would be great but on my next cycle i will study and know exactly what to do and have every thing i need before hand. thanks for all the help .

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IT is brovel i have 10 tabs of clomid and hoplfuly more on the way.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10

Bro get your clomid. You definetly don’t won’t to throw away you gains for something as cheap as clomid. Good Luck Bro
