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Nipple Juice(dont L...
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Nipple Juice(dont Luagh)

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it might sound funny but i have just finished my first week of my first deca/d-bol cycle and yesterday i was at work and my shrit got wet and felt cold i looked and it appeard that a liquid came out of my nipples is this a sign of gyno of just water retention?

Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 25

Hey Bull Tiger,

No one is laughing bro, it could be serious.

First, are your nipples puffy and sensitive, when touched it will be painful.

Now if you are lactating, squeeze your nipples if fluid oozes out you have contracted gyno and it is full blown at this stage.

One of the symptoms of full blown gyno is that a male will be able to lactate.

Get yourself to a doctor ASAP, the only thing I know of which might reverse the symptoms is Armidex which your doctor can perscribe.

Let us know as there are others out there that need this info also.

I hope for the best for you.

Trusted Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 58

good luck bro keep us informed

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Yea good luck man.

Eminent Member
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this is not meant as a joke: when i was about 12 years old or so I had REALLY damn sensitive nipples for months. One day liquid came out a few times and hurt like a bitch. We learned in health that thats normal often for boys going through puberty, etc. So, if you’re getting that as a full-grown adult, it could potentially go further. Get medical attention ASAP!


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Posts: 4

Keep us posted bro, let us know what the Doc has to stay, ok………………

Detroit Diesel
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Posts: 12

Not laughing here……….Good luck, and please let us know what’s going on with you.

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Posts: 19

Good Luck, and keep us posted. GO SEE A DOCTOR! Let us know what he/she says.

New Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2

This happened to a friend of mine and from what I knew he was not juicing so maybe you shouldn’t worry too much. But still def. see a doctor bro. keep us informed
