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Cyphons- Newbie-boo...
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Cyphons- Newbie-bootcamp

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Hey, I was looking at your cycle as I was wondering if I could handle that as a newbie. I have been training for about a year clean. I weight 178, and am 6’1. Is that cycle to much for me? how much can I expect to keep?

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Sure you can try it or you can even cut the dosages in half and still get great result…….results vary due to training, nutrition and genetics……..generally a new guy can gain 20-30lb’s easy and keep most of it with a solid nutrition and workout plan…..

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Excellent reading!

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Awesome post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 This board is the shit. JAVJLS

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Hey CYPHON, I think you said that some people you know have used your method before. Do you have any before/after stats or pictures of ones that have?

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Well, Im not going around taking snap shots of my buddies, they might get the wrong…..However, My best success story was a cop friend of mine who’s 32 years old and followed the cycle to a tee and gained 38lb’s ….going from 190 to 228lb’s at 5’11″………Eventually keeping 32lb’s with my training and post cycle recommondations…..he’s been off gear for 6months and still has managed to work hard and keep all his gains and increase strength

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LOL.Thats pretty good. So once you’ve gained the mass from steroids, can you stay off em but keep the muscle?

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i guess everyones body responds differently, but with an intense training and nutrition program you should be able to keep a large percentage of your gains without having to resort to another cycle……There are other supps that can help retain mass after a cycle…..such as cortisone blockers (cytadren), Insulin, GH…etc…..

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Just bumping this thread back to the top. Lots of good info here for new guys.

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deffinatly gonna try this second cycle as i have not felt much at 350/350 test/ deca and want some big strengh increases.thought id run arimidex all the way i correct in thinking arimidex wont inhibit gains??

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Originally posted by foz thought id run arimidex all the way i correct in thinking arimidex wont inhibit gains?? [/B]

Yep, that is the reason to use it over nolvadex. Arimidex at a sufficient doseage will prevent conversion, whereas Nolvadex only inhibits. In addition, nolva will make your gear less effective, while arimidex will not.

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i am 22 years old ,weigth 80 kilos,and 5,9 feet, i have never take anykind of real supplements,i want to GROW can you help me?

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Start a new thread here in the newbie section…. Post how long you have been training… It would be easier, for me anyway to convert Kilos to lbs. Sounds like you just want mass. For that you need to eat ALOT and train hard, and could do a simple cycle of 25 or 30mg/ed dbol for weeks 1-6, and deca at 300mg/wk, weeks 1-8. Hit up hcg at 2500iu week nine, start clomid week 10. Clomid at 100mg/ed first week. 50mg/ed the second.

Have arimidex on hand to combat gyno.

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i have been training for 6 months,but here in peru there is no way i can find all this products like clomid or arimidex(and i have no idea what are this 2 products ,and it beneficts.what is hcg?excuse me my friend but i am really new here�

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Juan, like I said. Start a NEW THREAD. Not trying to bust your chops, but I don’t want Cyphon’s thread to turn into it’s own 15 page forum….

If you are so new that you don’t know what clomid, arimidex, nolva, hcg or anything else is, that should be a red flag for you that you need to do a hell of a lot more research. READ Posts. Run Searches with the search feature. Put in the topic you want.. ie. Mass or clomid or nolva etc… You will come up with numerous hits that way. After you have done that, start a new thread if you have questions about something specific and we’ll help ya out.

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