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Anavar / Durabolin ...
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Anavar / Durabolin / Sustanon

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I am looking to try and get Anavar, Durabolon, And sustanon 250. I am looking to gain 40 lbs over 6 months with these. The reason i am looking towards these is the side effects are low, will be able to get my strength up there while gaining a little bit of weight, and after i decide to stop, will hopefully be able to keep my gains ( not to much water retaion with these and with true mass and musle gain.). Does this look good to u guys out there with experience. Im not a bodybuilder, but a competitive weightlifter and need to move up a few weight classes. Wondering if this will rip me up to because i wouldn’t mind looking good too at the same time. this seems right for the type of goals i want. Opinions apprectated

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Posts: 18

if this is your first cycle i think staying on it for 6 months is too long.


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if this is your first cycle i think staying onit for 6 months is to long.


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I won’t be on the stuff for 6 straight months, Just a few cycles over that period of time, after i gain the weight i want, just stick to anavar.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 36

You could use the sus and durabolan for 8 weeks and then use anavar for 6 weeks afterwards to solidify the gains. I would replace the anavar with primo for cost and effectivness though.

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The reason i want to use the anavar is because i think it will improve my strength by a lot, but sounds good to use it after the sus and durabolon. i will keep primo in mind definitly. Primo is still an option for me. thanks, just wondering, does anavar, sus and durabolon sound like a good stack.
