“It’s Over” Dana White Says Chuck Liddell Is Done Fighting In UFC – Retired

It is a sad day for MMA to see Chuck Liddell go, but it seems it must be that way. After UFC 97, at the press conference, Dana White went on to confirm what he had said before, Chuck Liddell would be retiring. Here are some of the remarks Dana made regarding Liddell and the end of his fighting career.

“He’s a huge superstar, and we could still sell lots of tickets (with Liddell),” White said. But I don’t care about that. I care about him. I care about his health, and it’s over, man. It’s over. How we built this company – using boxing as the blueprint – (and we) don’t let guys hang around longer than they should,” White said. “I was pushing for retirement. He’s my friend, I love him, and I care about him. We sat down (prior to UFC 97). We had a two-hour talk. He wanted to do this (fight). I said, ‘If you take this seriously – if I hear you’re in one [expletive] nightclub, if you’re not training, if you’re not doing this, doing that – it’s over. That’s it. He said, ‘No, I’m taking this seriously.’

“And he did. He kept his word. He was in great shape. He came out guns slinging like he does, but that was it. If that (fight) was a toe-to-toe war and he got flashed (knocked down) a couple times and it went to decision, he’d still be retiring too. He’d still be retiring.”

Best of luck to Chuck as he moves on to a new chapter in his life.  We have enjoyed watching you punch people and appreciate all you have done for the sport of MMA.

Dr. Steroids

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