Bionic Sex Chip Will Replace Viagra

couple making loveFrom now on men do not need to worry about their “male health” and potency. Scientists work on development of an electronic device, which will stimulate the brain centers of pleasure. In case of success, in about 10 years we will forget about Viagra.

Psychiatrist Morten Kringelbach from the Oxford University suggested in the Nature Reviews Neuroscience magazine to use a technique, which is already well-known to surgeons. It enables them to stimulate certain parts of the brain through the use of implantable electrodes. He suggested using those electrodes to simulate the so-called orbital-frontal cortex. The psychiatrist believes that stimulation of this area will cure anhedonia, a disease when the patient is unable to feel pleasure.

Kringelbach’s colleague, neurosurgeon Tipu Aziz told an astonishing story to The Sunday Times about a female patient with low libido, who had a similar chip implanted a few years ago. Apparently, the woman became very active in terms of sexual relationships after the implantation. Unfortunately, the lady did not like the “sudden change” and had the devise removed by specialists.

Dr. Steroids

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