Prevent Chest Muscle Imbalance

You want to make sure that you balance your pectorals when you lift. The most common type of “imbalance” relating to the chest area is flawed upper pectorals development. It is known to happen to those who go off the beam because they fall short on fitting in the incline bench press with every training session or put aside the incline bench press until the very end of the chest maneuvers at the muscles’ weakest point. This lift lets you strengthen and develop the upper area of your chest.

You want to start the workout by first completing the inclined bench press, which helps maximum power starting with the upper chest, working your chest with the purpose to develop it. The focus is to not to rush the lift, but make slow, calculated and controlled lifts while you get full range of motion. This happens by controlling the bar as you bring it completely down and completely up at the top. Remember, you need to squeeze the chest muscles when you lift the weight back up.

You can also try working out one side with dumbbells. By working one side of the upper body at a time, it balances the muscles. You workout the precise measure of strength for each side, consequently one side doesn’t dominate. Domination can happen when both arms workout as one.  Another cool benefit is this dumbbell lift works excellent as a single chest workout.

To do the lift, simply stand on your feet at a secure position apart, the width of your shoulders, with toes pointed a little out from the sides. Now, take hold of the dumbbell with the palm of the right hand palm in front of the right shoulder. Slowly lift the dumbbell above your head, while at the same time you rotate the palm to face forward when the arm extends fully upward. Then, gradually push your hips towards your right. The torso needs to dip toward your left as the left arm glides down the left thigh. Now, you need to the same movement on the opposite side of the body in the original position. It’s best to perform the upper body workout 4 to 6 times on each arm.  Your strength will increase, and then you need to increase your dumbbell weight.  You need to make sure you start with a light weight, so get accustomed to doing the movement.

A real smart move is to strengthen your weakest side. There is a very useful dumbbell exercise to isolate one side of the chest at a time, and that means you have more a chance at developing your weakest side more efficiently and maintaining the balance of chest muscles. You will need a bench to perform the dumbbell lift. You start with the right hand and right knee securely on the bench. You hold the dumbbell with your left hand poised straight below your shoulder with your palm facing the bench. Your left foot needs to stay flat beneath the hip. You also need to make sure your back is as flat as can be with your right elbow resting into the body. Now, you slowly lift the dumbbell with the intent that the elbow goes beyond the torso as the heel of the right hand meets the ribs. And then, you hold the lift at two seconds, slowly lower the dumbbell. Remember not to hold your breath, but to breathe normally all the way through the exercise and perform the dumbbell lift 5 to 6 times on both arms.

Dr. Steroids

Introducing our esteemed author at SteroidsLive, Johnathan Reed, a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a passion for empowering others on their journey to optimal health and performance. With years of experience in the fitness industry and a background in sports science, Johnathan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Dedicated to providing accurate, evidence-based information, he strives to educate and inspire readers to achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively. Through his engaging and informative articles, Johnathan aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals seeking to transform their bodies and improve their overall well-being. Join him on the path to success at SteroidsLive, where fitness meets knowledge.