30 Superfoods To Boost Your Gains – Part 3 of 3

So,  finally, we have reached the last of the series, the third part. It’s a crying shame, I was enjoying researching these foods and looking through science journals. Anyway, if you haven’t been around for the last two parts, I’ll quickly brief you.

This series is about focusing on the nutrients that are NOT protein or carbohyrates, but instead the vitamins and other nutrients which matter to us alot aswell, but are often overlooked.

And so, to conclude, here are the final 10 superfoods…

21. Walnuts

Walnuts have an association with brains simply because they look like them…but thats not the only relation they have. They’re an excellent source of omega-3′s, which help brain cells and mood-lifting neurotransmitters function properly. So there you go, their association with all things cerebral isn’t just the way they look.

22. Sweetcorn

These tasty little yellow kernals are great for your energy levels, and also, surprisingly, your mood. In a single serving, you get a quarter of your daily RDA of the vitamin B1. A recent study had shown that subjects that had eaten these pieces of yellow goodness enjoyed an improved mood, alertness and higher energy levels, after supplementing them with B1 for two months, even if they didn’t have a deficiency.

23. Oranges

 Oranges contain the substance inositol, which regulates the serotonin and insulin levels, and this results in fewer mood swings, and great relief from lethargy. It also helps in the breakdown of fats, and, in addition to all of those, it can lower blood cholesterols. The orange eaters are the winners in this world.

24. Tempeh

You’ve probably never heard of the stuff, but in a study that was inside the British Journal of Psychiatry, they found that a deficiency of B2 can lead to an aggressive personality change. Tempeh is a good source of B2, especially if your a vegetarian, and can’t eat meat. So temper your temper with Tempeh.

25. Hummus

High in protein, high in fibre…hummus provides a slow, sustained release of glucose into your blood stream helping you avoid dramatic blood sugar fluctatations. Depression, low moods, lack of energy and lethargy are all related to poor blood sugar control, so snacking on hummus would be a smart idea. Eat it with wholegrain pittabread for a healthy snack.

26. Parsley

An excellent source of the Amino Acid L-glutamine, it increases concentration levels, and also is extremely helpful in rebuilding your muscles after a hard workout. It also helps to combat anxiet and stress by elevating energy levels in your brain, and it also increases mental alertness. One of the best things about parsley? You can add it to nearly any dish. Use liberally.

27. Soya Milk

High protein liquids like soya milk break down into amino acids like tyrosine, which, in turn, increase brain chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline. These are the chemicals that make you feel more energetic and positive. And also, it’s easy to incorportate into your diet – just substitute the milk on your cereals or your coffee with this healthy alternative. That is, if you can get used to the taste.

28. Halibut

According to the brains at the University College in Swansea, a deficiency of the mineral selenium might be assosiated to increased anxiety, a low mood, and a lack of motivation. You can get 68% of RDA of selenium from just 100g of halibut. It truly deserves the title of superfood.

29. Cod

Taurine is an amino acid that helps regulate and generate nerve impulses responsible for our mood, thoughts and actions. Cod contains about 108mg per 100g, but I suppose it’d probably be an idea to find a more sustainable fish to eat, now that Cod’s getting rarer. However, if you can get some, tuck in. If you can’t, try to get some Pollack – it’s nearly as good.

30. Kelp

Sea vegetabls are a rich source of iodine which stabilises mood, and also increases energy, focus and makes you more alert. However, don’t worry if the idea of eating kelp repulses you – you can get dried flakes that you won’t even notice exist if you sprinkle onto your soups.

And there we are – the finish of this series. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series and found it beneficial in any way.

Dr. Steroids

Introducing our esteemed author at SteroidsLive, Johnathan Reed, a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a passion for empowering others on their journey to optimal health and performance. With years of experience in the fitness industry and a background in sports science, Johnathan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Dedicated to providing accurate, evidence-based information, he strives to educate and inspire readers to achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively. Through his engaging and informative articles, Johnathan aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals seeking to transform their bodies and improve their overall well-being. Join him on the path to success at SteroidsLive, where fitness meets knowledge.

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