Jiu-Jitsu Gets Milla Jovovich Ready For “Resident Evil”

Most people know Milla Jovovich as a model and actress, but she’s also a workout fiend. She’s put on muscle to play Alice in the Resident Evil franchise and dropped her baby weight.

Heather actually has a wonderful article on SteroidsLive.com about becoming, as Jovovich put it, a “crazy alien” to take off all the weight. So, we’ll leave that one to her!

Milla Jovovich takes her training to another level because she enjoys martial arts. She also needs martial arts training to do the stunts required for action films. Because Milla is a model it would be far too easy to say, “Get super-skinny with Milla Jovovich” when, in fact, she’s a bad ass. If a skinny Ukranian girl can learn to “kick it,” then so can you.

Take the adventure with us for a nice alternative to cardio that could save your behind (unless you’re already huge – then you just break people like toothpicks).

What Is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Jiu-Jitsu is born out of Judo and other “grappling arts.” When the founder of Judo, Kano Jigoro, sent some of his disciples overseas to promote the art it began to take on many different forms.

When it arrived in Brazil the “disciples” had been accepting challenges to fight wrestlers, boxers, and other fighters. With the challenges came new moves and a “break” from Judo. This break made Jiu-Jitsu into a sport, form of entertainment, and a place to build physical fitness. Remember Billy Blanks and “Tae Bo?” Same idea, different art form.

This is the same reason Jiu-Jitsu became so popular with Hollywood actors. They could get in shape, learn moves for their stunts, and stave off aggressive paparazzi.

Don’t think of Jiu-Jitsu as an unattainable skill that requires years and years of study and meditation on the side of a snowy mountain in Asia. You can incorporate parts of Jiu-Jitsu into your routine today. Don’t just take the “moves,” but also the conditioning with you. Have some fun and get ready to “kick it.”

Getting Ready For “JJ”

Body weight conditioning is recommended by Jiu-Jitsu trainers. Though you have seen body weight moves on here before some of this should be interesting and new.

Remember, this should be a fun cardio substitute, and you might even be able to do it as a circuit. You can work from a “JJ” warm-up to the actual “JJ moves” in rapid succession.


Start in a squat position and jump as high as you can. When you land kick your legs back and do a push-up. If you want to vary the difficulty of the push-up you can do the push-up with your legs spread.

Complete 50 reps.

Chinese Push-Up

Start by getting into a push-up with your feet about six to eight inches wider than shoulder width apart. Your arms are straight and your hips are lifted — like a downward facing dog to you yoga lovers.

Slowly lower down to the floor bringing your hips down and allowing your elbows to flare to the side. When you rise up from the floor raise your head and let your back arch.

Complete 20 reps.

Rows with a Partner

This is helpful if you’re in a Jiu-Jitsu class and you’ve got the “garb” on, but you can do this exercise with a partner who is sitting on the ground.

The partner who is sitting on the ground will grasp your arms or your lapel, and pull himself up 15 times. Then you switch positions and the partner who is standing pulls up the “sitter” 15 times.

Trade places then “rinse and repeat” for a total of 30 more reps. This is a fun way to goof around and get some work in.

Squat Walks

Squatting down with your legs spread and hands behind your head, slowly walk around the room. The abdominal strength and balance required to stay upright is pretty intense.

Moves You Can Use

There’s moves that will win you a fight, and there are moves that look great in a workout. Then there are moves that go both ways.

Because Jiu-Jitsu is not boxing it does require throwing and other “hammer like” moves that you could do with a partner or with heavy equipment.

Just think of some of these things as arenas to work on your “strongman tactics.” Also, if you do not have heavy weights or equipment to do some of these moves you can easily substitute a barbell or use hand weights.

Sledge Levers

You need a sledgehammer or a dumbbell with weights on just one end. Straighten your arm and hold the weight away from you at a 90-degree angle.

Turn your wrist and lift the weight up toward your body and back down. Now lower the weight toward your feet and back up.

Next, turn the weight around so it is pointing behind you and repeat. Raise the weight toward your back and lower it. Then lower it toward your feet and back up.

Complete 2 sets of 4 on each hand.

Plate Pinches

Whether you’re grappling someone in a fight, a stunt scene, or you’re weightlifting, your hands have to be strong. Take a comfortable plate from your weight set for this one.

Hold your arm at a 90-degree angle to your body and hold the weight for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other hand and alternate for a total of 4 reps on each arm.

As you become more comfortable increase the weight and/or increase the time.

Russian Twists

Sit on the floor with your feet under a machine so you have leverage. If there’s nothing to put your feet under you should use a partner to hold your feet.

Grab a weight plate that you are comfortable with and hold it with both hands straight in front of you. Keeping your arms straight, twist your body as far you can while turning the weight towards the floor.

Turn to the other side and repeat to complete 15 reps on each side.

Take your “fighting” to a whole new level and give your lifting a boost. These Jiu-Jitsu exercises are great for fighting or for bodybuilding. Either way, it’s a great alternative to the boring cardio or lifting you might be enduring now. Put some variety in your routine and enjoy the results!

Dr. Steroids

Introducing our esteemed author at SteroidsLive, Johnathan Reed, a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a passion for empowering others on their journey to optimal health and performance. With years of experience in the fitness industry and a background in sports science, Johnathan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Dedicated to providing accurate, evidence-based information, he strives to educate and inspire readers to achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively. Through his engaging and informative articles, Johnathan aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals seeking to transform their bodies and improve their overall well-being. Join him on the path to success at SteroidsLive, where fitness meets knowledge.