Roger Clemens Indicted For Perjury and Obstruction of Justice

Roger Clemens has been indicted for making false statements to Congress during his February 2008 hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The alleged false statements came during a sometimes contentious hearing featuring contradictory testimony by Clemens and his former trainer, Brian McNamee, about Clemens’ use of performance enhancing drugs.

According to the New York Times, the indictment charges Clemens with one count of Obstruction of Congress, three counts of making false statements and two counts of perjury. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 30 years, but again according to the Times, “under the current sentencing guidelines, a conviction would likely bring 15-21 months.”

In a statement, United States Attorney, Ronald C. Machen Jr. stressed the importance telling the truth to Congress.

“Americans have a right to expect that witnesses who testify under oath before Congress will tell the truth… Our government cannot function if witnesses are not held accountable for false statements made before Congress. Today the message is clear: if a witness makes a choice to ignore his or her obligation to testify honestly, there will be consequences. “

Clemens, of course, becomes the second baseball player indicted for perjury, after Barry Bonds in 2007. Bonds is scheduled to go on trial in March 2011.

Dr. Steroids

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